(FREE) Game sprites | Explosion 3

Posted by on June 17, 2011


This third sprite sheet is a fire / gas explosion. It is nearly complete, minus a few of the initial frames. Must see animated to appreciate the details on these sheets!


  • 128×128
  • 40 frames
  • Alpha channel, PNG

The goodies:

A simple gas "fireball" explosion


It’s worth mentioning that a good particle system will always introduce noise/jitter meaning it should also skip initial frames to further improve the dynamism of a game, and it’s often the case with explosions where you don’t want two of them looking exactly the same for obvious reasons. So whether some of these sheets are missing a frame or two, doesn’t really matter. What matters is how they’re implemented.

I realize a viewer of sorts should be implemented, at least in JavaScript to visualize the animations but that’s not exactly a priority right now.



Same legal applies, look here for more information. If you need higher quality sheets just contact me, feel free to discuss licensing as well. “You may not use any of these sprite sheets or sprites in any shape or form in commercial title, they’re for free open-source use only”. Give credit where credit is due.

If you liked this series of sprite effects why not buy me a coffee?. That’s what that big coffee cup on the right is for!




4 Comments on (FREE) Game sprites | Explosion 3


  1. […] animated UIImageView. This cool explosion sprite sheet which I included in the demo can be found at http://gushh.net/blog/free-game-sprites-explosion-3/. I added some numbers to this image to make testing and debugging […]

  2. […] explosions were created by GuShH, and they are from these two pages: http://gushh.net/blog/free-game-sprites-explosion-3/ […]

  3. […] cool explosion sprite sheet which I included in the demo can be found at http://gushh.net/blog/free-game-sprites-explosion-3/. I added some numbers to this image to make testing and debugging […]